Live at the Live House
scene: Little Tokyo's Live House. People fill up inside the building
until nearly all the seats are filled up. Everyone is silent as
Teasy Melika walks onstage** **looks
around** Don't everyone cheer me on at once....Anyways, it's nice to meet
you all. I thought
I'd start out with one of my older sketches...... I'll go
into some of other sketches later. If any of them sound like
something dreamed by Bill Cosby or Bob Newhart, it's
coincidence. **There
are several shouts from someone in the background** Okay, so
it's not coincidence. I just like talking about stuff dreamed up by
them. You'll probably be hearing stuff thought up by me more than
them, anyways. Happy now? **Several
more shouts** Be quiet.
You don't know what a conniption is, Guido. |